Donate to the Calgary Centre Conservative Association and our Candidate Greg McLean

Did you know that a $50 donation to the Calgary Centre Conservative Association may cost you just $12.50 after taxes? The Government of Canada provides generous tax credits for Canadians who support the democratic process, including a 75% credit on the first $400 donated to a political party (and up to a $650 credit for the maximum contribution).

Funds will be used locally in Calgary Centre to support our Conservative Calgary Centre candidate and some may be loaned to other Conservative candidates in closely-contested ridings, to help ensure a national Conservative Party victory.


  • No more than $1,750 in any calendar year to each registered political party (that is, the central party office); plus

  • No more than $1,750 in total in any calendar year to the combined entities of each registered political party (Electoral District Associations, Nomination Contestants and Candidate campaigns), which is to say, your local candidate

Please donate online using the button, or if you prefer:

Cheques can be mailed to:
Calgary-Centre Conservatives
PO Box 16089 Lower Mt. Royal
Calgary, Alberta T2T 5H7